Somehere in the distant past, after an indulgent holiday with the body and mind fully recharged, a dome drink beckons me near a the airport terminal.

Thoughts of ageing the wine in the midst of the lush and dark storeroom cellar of sun-drenched HDB storeroom and finally presenting it to my future wife - seems priceless for the future...

04 Sep 2011 - after the birth of Matthias, the vintage Dome of 10+ years was remembered and presented - it was drunk without the passion and majestic moments as i had imagined years back...

This set the impetus of the cells in the main conrol center racing.... its time to capture all my memories and experiences crafted up there in the form of a blog so that it can be part of the distant memories even though some things can never be much appreciated or so as one may think...

Saturday 21 April 2012

Cultivation of Papaya tree

Reflecting the time spent on the understanding on the mentioned, the differentiation of the male and female trees are crucial factor which should be duplicated so that no wasted time should be spent on the cultivation of male tree since they don't produce fruits for harvesting. Imagine waiting in anticipation for a year to find out that the tree cannot bear fruit, that will stressed one out enough to go on a holiday...

Choose those dark coloured seeds as seen in the picture and success is guaranteed. The lighted coloured seeds  are the male.

My current experiment on the various type of seeds. Had those big Hong Kong papayas and those Hawaii papayas in the bag, waiting for the germination.

Picked up something interesting on the cousin of prawns, which they call Langoustines - with their long claws and salmon pink shells, they make for a sweeter and more delicate substitute. Have a look:

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